Wednesday, December 25, 2013

End of Year Check-In … 2013 is nearly over and were looking ahead of 2014!

Setting small goals and meeting them is one example. However, setting big goals also can be helpful.

Setting large goals for the year, for example, can help you to think about the big picture. And, once you meet those goals, it can be useful to think about all you have done so that you can develop motivation to move forward. The trick is to set reasonable goals and reasonable expectations for meeting them.

The end of the year is a great time to go back to your big goals and see all that you have accomplished during the year.  As I was looking over what I did for last month, I was a bit down because most of what I did was to continue to revise works in progress. It can be hard to see the progress I am making when all I have to say for November is that I revised a chapter and an article and they are still unfinished. To pull myself out of that slump, I decided to look at all I have done over the course of 2013. And, it turns out I have some major accomplishments to report.

 I find looking back over my accomplishments to be rewarding. It also gives me energy to move forward and keep up momentum for next year. “People are working a little longer at their primary career, and even in retirement they’re saying, ’I could have 20, 25, even 30 years in retirement,”’

Thursday, August 15, 2013

25 Ways to Travel Cheap

People always ask how I have the money to travel as much as I do. Well here are a few secrets, my friends! Hopefully you can learn from a few of my mistakes and benefit from some of my tips!
1.     The obvious way: travel on budget airlines. When I traveled around Southeast Asia, Air Asia, Jetstar and Tiger were insanely cheap – and I’m talking $65 flights from Bali to Phuket. I couldn’t express how much the phrase “you get what you pay for” applies to these, however, but they [usually] got us where we needed to go.
2.     TRIPADVISOR. TRIPADVISOR. TRIPADVISOR. We booked every single hotel after first reviewing them on This website is absolutely essential to get the best value. From splurging on a 5 star hotel in Bangkok (Oriental Residence - best hotel I’ve EVER stayed at) to an amazingly clean & ideally located $25 hotel in Phuket (Simpletel Hotel) – Tripadvisor NEVER let us down. We also always booked through to get discounts and acquire points, instead of going through the actual website.
3.     HAGGLE. This obviously can only be done in some countries but it’s possible to pay $25 instead of the advertised $75 to spend the day white water rafting in Bali with transportation, all equipment and lunch included. Just see the advertised price as a suggestion and you’ll probably end up paying half that amount, at most. Don’t be afraid to be ballsy, they love taking advantage of foreigners.
4.     Get a little bit of exercise - since it’s usually free and it’s good for you, duh. Go on hikes and check out the natural beauty in every country. Walk places instead of taking cabs/buses and absorb your surroundings. Go jogging on the beach. Swim in the ocean. (Evidence below that the best things in life are free.)
DSC041955.     Do a little bit of research. A lot of cities will have free festivals (Melbourne had at least one a month) or free museums (the Te Papa museum in Wellington, New Zealand is AMAZING. The colossal squid is out of control.) Research how far your hotel is from the airport & the best way to get there – a quick Google search can turn your $80 cab ride into a [slightly-longer] $4 bus ride. Research if tipping is the custom so you don’t unnecessarily tip your servers in Australia who are already making $25/$30 an hour.
IMG_32706.     Use public transportation. I come from California where the public transport system is essentially non-existent in most cities so everyone has a car. AKA walking down dark, shady subways to catch a train with creepy crackheads shouting obscenities at innocent passer byers did NOT seem appealing. However, how can you argue with $56 a MONTH for unlimited use of the bus, tram & train in Australia (MyKi is essential)– as opposed to $60 a week spent on gas. Public transport may not be the most convenient or the easiest alternative, but it definitely will save you ridiculous amounts of money. Or just get a bicycle and you’re being even more eco-friendly, along with gaining multiple perks (I go  on about this in another post ;)).
7.     Don’t check luggage!! This is important for several reasons: First of all, you will save HUNDREDS of dollars. It’s anywhere from $25-$50 to check luggage so you can do the math if you’re catching a lot of flights. Learn what the essentials are so you also don’t need to drag around a ton of luggage when travelling.
Screen shot 2013-02-17 at 9.37.18 PM8.     Pay attention to exchange rates. Try to get good rates on different currencies and get it before you go to that country. Call banks and see if they have the currency you need. If the rate is good, get enough for the entire time you’ll be there. This will also help you budget your money because you’ll only have an allocated amount you’re supposed to spend in each country. (Don’t exchange money at airports, the rates are usually terrible.)
9.     Get a Charles Schwab bank account or one that will also let you withdraw money on any ATM with no fees. Charles Schwab is an example and you can use any ATM in the world. That means no $5 fees every time you run out of money at a bar and need to withdraw a little bit of cash.
10.     Groupons/Scoopons, Living Socials, etc. Superb way to find hidden gems while getting awesome deals. These were especially helpful in Australia where there are hundreds upon hundreds of dining/drinking options that are also twice as expensive as in America. Sign up and get a couple emails a day to get a 3 course meal for $15, a scuba certification class for $150 or a 5 night stay in Fiji for $200. Need I say more?
11.     Pregame. I know what you’re thinking and NO – you are not too old to pregame. As much fun as it is to spend $18 on every single cocktail while out each night, try drinking a bit before so you only need to buy a few social drinks at the bar (I’ve perfected this strategy during my college day). Unless, of course, you’re in the Philippines where beer is sometimes 80 cents.
12.     Work while you’re abroad. I know, I know – who wants to work while you’re on vacation. My philosophy: you’re life can be a vacation if you work even just a little bit the entire time. If you want to be somewhere a little bit more long term, then get a side job at a bar, café or wherever your calling may be. You’ll make friends, meet the locals and really get a taste of the culture from different perspectives. And you’ll obviously be making some money to fund for the next adventure. It’s a win-win situation.
13.     Use Craigslist or Gumtree or whatever site where people can buy & sell essentially anything. I used it to buy a used bicycle and enjoyed dozens of amazing bike rides around Melbourne. Before moving away, I posted it back on Gumtree and sold it for the same amount I bought it for. BOOM.
seafood14.     Eat the local food. More often than not, those slightly dodgy-looking hole-in-the-wall places will be the most delicious, authentic food you can get. And also the cheapest. We did make the mistake of eating dog in Thailand (which I would never ever EVER recommend) but it’s all part of the experience, right?
15.     Negotiate with cab drivers BEFORE getting in the car (if they refuse to use a meter, which is almost always around Southeast Asia). They can spot tourists a mile away and would LOVE to up their normal fee by 300%. See Tip #3.
16.     Blog-stalk. I love reading people’s blogs but one of the more practical benefits is that you can get a first hand take on other people’s experiences traveling where you’re about to go. I blog-stalked like crazy before leaving for Korea and thankfully brought a sufficient amount of deodorant as I was advised since it’s a rare find in this country.
17.     If you’re like me and over pack and then also buy way too many clothes abroad, you’ll have to figure out how to get all of your stuff back home. We debated sending a package back but this can be pricey (we’re talking $200 for a 30 pound package from Australia – US). Instead, we packed everything in a giant box and checked an additional bag at the airport. It was still $100 but at least we wouldn’t have to wait weeks for it to arrive. The fun part is lugging around 4 carry-ons and 5 checked items between the two of us.

18.     Suspend your cell phone for the duration of your trip (AT&T will allow you to do this at $10/month. Other services let you do it for free).
19.     Cancel your gym membership (Tip #4 will negate this loss).
20.     Sell your car (it’s amazing what no car insurance or car payments will do for your wallet).
21.     Work out your housing situation to where you don’t have to pay rent while you’re away (this is where family members come in handy – you might spend some time crashing on their couches) & finish leases or sublet your place.
22.     Pay off credit cards before you leave – if you’re spending money to go on a long-term vacay, you probably shouldn’t have debt, anyway! (Easier said than done, right?)
23.     Before, in between, and after traveling: sell/give away/throw away your belongings you don’t need. Traveling really makes you realize what’s important in life. So give away that half of your closet that you never wear (if you survived without them for a year, you probably don’t need them). Sell the furniture that you’ve kept in storage for months. Yes, you’ll need stuff when you get back but it’s amazing how much you can minimize if you really try.


photo (7)24.     Sleep at airports. Yes, I’m serious. Here’s my logic: if you have a flight early the next morning, what’s the point in paying for another night at a hotel you will barely spend any time in? PLUS – you don’t have to wake up early to get to the airport since you’ll already be there. Another win-win my friend. But please research and make sure the airports are open 24/7 because they WILL kick you out and force you to sleep on the beach, which isn’t as fun as it seems.
25.     If you exceed the weight limitation on your carry-on bags (which is a LOT easier than it seems, especially if you follow tip #7), wear the weight. Wear multiple layers and you can easily wear half the weight in your bag (this is actually pretty convenient if you’re sleeping on the beach & need to keep warm because Tip #24 didn’t work out so well). Or, you know, you could just pack light, but where’s the fun in that?
Now that you’ve saved literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars, you can loosen up the purse strings and splurge on the amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that would normally be out of your price range. Being frugal is always good, but even better when it allows you to spend $270 to go scuba diving in the great barrier reef or $600 to to go sky diving in New Zealand. BAM.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


All too often, we tend to spend too much time looking back in the past with misery and failures, instead of living our lives, we give the past too much importance over who we are now, as opposed to what and who we were during the time that we are still ok. Lets not forget that there is still tomorrow, a new hope for a bright future. Let me share some light words to inspire us that there is still a bright shiny day ahead of us, a positive bright future:

“Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
L.M. Montgomery

 “Write it on your heart
that every day is the best day in the year.
He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day
who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson,

 “Today is a new day. Don't let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!”
Steve Maraboli

“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.”
Douglas Pagels

 “Have you ever seen the dawn? Not a dawn groggy with lack of sleep or hectic with mindless obligations and you about to rush off on an early adventure or business, but full of deep silence and absolute clarity of perception? A dawning which you truly observe, degree by degree. It is the most amazing moment of birth. And more than anything it can spur you to action. Have a burning day.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration 

 “Every new day is a once in a lifetime event. How much more exciting would our lives be if we embraced this truth and lived accordingly?!”
Steve Maraboli

As I sat in the cafe along with my Nieces and Nephew, I began to think that I still need a hope for tomorrow. They are still there to rely on me for their bright and positive future. I know that I need to work on it and strive to be a better one again. The future is not only for me but for the people I loved most - My Family.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Eat Pray and Travel

As I begun my journey for 2013, I decided to set a goal to go back and re-start my career. I started to pack my things; everything I wanted to prepare a new and challenging competition has been outlined. I set my mind that whatever happens everything will be ok and will go back to normal. That’s my objectives and it happens with a single blink in my journey. I brought with me three things, Eat Pray and Travel.

Let me start my journey in Beijing where it was new again to myself. Places I have stayed courtesy with my long time friend Mardy. I stayed in the central business district of Beijing China. 
 With a degree of Negative 10, I needed to put on 3 to 4 clothes to warm me up. There, I discover the beauty of the place, where I explore cultural heritage, the landmarks, and historical sites. I also indulge myself into the almost original branded items that you can only see only in Beijing. I prayed respect also to the temples and shrines. The food that they offer will keep you coming back. Friends that I have met were truly great full and will be missed. Beijing is again added to my long list of memories that it will never be forgotten.

My second stop was Dubai, the aggressive and ambitious city that no one wants to surpass as they want to be the pioneer of everything and only as they say you can find it only in UAE. There I stayed to a good friend Janet where I started my career in the insurance company. I didn’t bother to explore much of the place as I have already been there many times. I work already and got involve in many facets of the insurance business. During my stay, every weekend was a mandate to me to visit St. Mary Church to pray and thank him for everything he has done to me to make this journey a memorable one. Got to explore a bit of the food courtesy of Maria. The shabu shabu is one thing that I crave for as I have tasted this back in Beijing. My visit to Dubai will not be completed without the help of Melvie(Ate Vi) for his undying assistance to me on my entry visa. I also got to assist and help my sister Chona fulfill her dream to go and eventually stay for good in Italy. I will be missing her when i come back in Dubai but life has to move on.

Last trip was Thailand where I got to explore again this magnificent temples and Buddha’s all over Bangkok. I was able to visit Silom for their affordable items, fabulous foods along the streets of Saladaeng, bars in Pathpong. The Babylon should not be missed as they offer relaxation, rejuvenation and of course happy ending for all the PLU’s. My stay to Bangkok was cut short as I have to go to the south to explore and probably got aware of the New places and Tourist Island they offer. This is of course the famous “Phuket”. exploring bangkok was easy for me to do it, just go the famous MBK for the genuine leather and some branded items of the Siam Paragon. You can try also the chatuchak the version of the Divisoria in Manila. Aesthetic beautification is anywhere you can look at as Bangkok offers a wide range of derma clinic. when you want to look good and be young again, this is the place for you to visit and you deal with the price range depending on the requirements you need.

As I embark my journey in Phuket, the first thing that comes to my mind is the place that I will stay. Immediately got my guidebook for the best, friendly and affordable place to stay and it was only adjacent to where the city offers – The Paradise complex. Tired and exhausted did not stop me from exploring the place right away I went to the beach to see what its all about. “Patong” beach is one of a kind and stayed to catch the beautiful sunset. Truly is a magnificent world class Phuket will offer to travelers. Places to go, Island hopping, bars in almost every streets, shopping malls and Tiange were truly delightful. Foods were everywhere, relaxations and spa is truly ideally recommended to those who got some exhaustive and tiring journey. I dream to myself that one day I will visit and see for myself what Phuket can offer differently from the rest. I have made my judgment and it is indeed a world class to offer.

Last journey in Thailand will be in Pattaya were a variety of tourist spot and places to explore awaits me. As the guidebook has told me, There were also beaches and bars to offers and other interesting places to explore that only me can unravel it. What more can I ask for, I’m pretty sure they halve also for PLUs to cater the needs. 

Last note, I am very thankful for this wonderful journey I have and what can I say, my birthday was fulfilled and celebrated with this gifts this places can offer. I would only hope that its does not end here and perhaps only the beginning of the never-ending exploration of what Gods has given to mankind.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I stumble into the Webster Dictionary for the meaning, there was only one that catches my attention, " a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation; broadly : a source of vexation or annoyance." 

We all have our own trials in life. Sometimes we get to the point where we think if God will take away this one thing, this one trial, everything else would fall into place and we could handle the other things in life. If he would only take this one thing away, we could handle all the rest. I guess this is human nature to do this but it sure never works out that way. 

Despite the trials, afflictions, persecutions or problems we face in life we are well able to endure and emerge victorious. The Lord tells us through His Word that our attitude while we are going through our trials is important to our victory. Refuse to be sad and cast down but demonstrate a joyful and positive attitude like Apostle Paul, 2 Corinthians 12:10.
Our attitude is crucial to our endurance of our life’s problems and trials. Listen to the type of reaction we need to demonstrate in the face of trials, “took joyfully the spoiling of your goods”. How is this possible? It’s easier said than done, if you operate in your own power and strength. However, by the power of the Holy Ghost, you can do all things through Christ, and that includes enduring trials and tests.

These trials we experience are ultimately for our good and these trials that all of us are under is exactly where God wants us to be. I don’t like my trials one bit, but I have peace in my heart knowing that God is in control. If he wants me to be here going through this. Then this is where I want to be. Many greater men have gone through much worse than I will ever go through.

That goes for us as well. The trial that you may be in right now may seem like it’s going to go on forever, but it’s not. It will only go on for as long as it fulfills God’s purposes, in your life or somebody else’s. He is the one that will release you from it when the time is right. So pick your head up and focus your eyes on Jesus.  Don’t let anything distract you from him. No Trial lasts forever, Not David’s, not mine and not yours. 

Monday, January 28, 2013


If the World would only Live by these truthful Words, THEN there will be no bitterness and unhappiness within....


To be strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every
person I meet.
To make all my friend feel that there is something
... worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make my
optimism come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as I am about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the
greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a
smile to every living creature I meet.
T give so much time to improving myself that I have
no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong
for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world.
not in loud words, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side,
so long as I am true to the best that is in me.....

~ Secret~ Christian D. Larson...

Sometimes we need to be content and let the happiness and positive outlook in life flows in our life as this is the only way to make it easier and more healthier to live without much worry and difficulty.