I stumble into the Webster Dictionary for the meaning, there was only one that catches my attention, " a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation; broadly : a source of vexation or annoyance."
We all have our own trials in life. Sometimes we get to the point where we think if God will take away this one thing, this one trial, everything else would fall into place and we could handle the other things in life. If he would only take this one thing away, we could handle all the rest. I guess this is human nature to do this but it sure never works out that way.
Despite the trials, afflictions, persecutions or problems we face in life we are well able to endure and emerge victorious. The Lord tells us through His Word that our attitude while we are going through our trials
Our attitude is crucial to our endurance of our life’s problems and trials. Listen to the type of reaction we need to demonstrate in the face of trials, “took joyfully the spoiling of your goods”. How is this possible? It’s easier said than done, if you operate in your own power and strength. However, by the power of the Holy Ghost, you can do all things through Christ, and that includes enduring trials and tests.
These trials we experience are ultimately for our good and these trials that all of us are under is exactly where God wants us to be. I don’t like my trials one bit, but I have peace in my heart knowing that God is in control. If he wants me to be here going through this. Then this is where I want to be. Many greater men have gone through much worse than I will ever go through.
That goes for us as well. The trial that you may be in right now may seem like it’s going to go on forever, but it’s not. It will only go on for as long as it fulfills God’s purposes, in your life or somebody else’s. He is the one that will release you from it when the time is right. So pick your head up and focus your eyes on Jesus. Don’t let anything distract you from him. No Trial lasts forever, Not David’s, not mine and not yours.